Your my favorite person. 

Your my favorite person. 

Off to a great start this school year and I couldn’t be more proud of Savannah. She is really moving from my baby to a big girl. I mean she will always be my baby but well you know what I mean. Kindergarten rules and she is loving it. She received a character trait tag at school for being caring and today she said “your my favorite person”. I feel it’s very important to document this so when she’s 15 and I’m not her favorite person I can remind her I once was :).  


Searching for Answers


We all go through life and wonder at times how we got to were we are and why things happen the way they did.  I’ve often heard the most heard sound in heaven will be “ooohhh”..

I’ve had my trials through my life and I am still surprised at times how awesome my life has become.  It has not been without a lot of tears & work but I finally feel whole.  I have often found myself wondering why things happened in my past the way they did and what exactly am I suppose to take from my trials.  I have read devotionals, prayed, read my bible and tried to listen to for that whisper some are fortunate to hear.  But I never felt it was truly answered until I heard Rev. Dr. Hikmat Kashouh from Lebanon.  He came to speak at my church Forest Hill and told about the troubles and persecution of Christians in the middle east and he said he was asked how can he keep going after all he has been through and his reply was “so I can show others how to live with grace”.  And there it was my answer I have been waiting to find.  I survived my troubles and love God to show others who have been through similar experiences that they can survive too.  We are truly lucky to live in a land where we can worship and love who we want.  And I am truly lucky to have heard my whisper from a pastor all the way from Lebanon..  Thank you Rev. Dr. Hikmat Kashouh

Saying Goodbye


In 1998 I was a 28-year-old carefree woman living it up! I owned my own place for the first time and I was surrounded by great friends.

As 1998 came to a close I thought, at the time, it was the best year of my life and couldn’t get any better until Jessi came into my life. She was 4 lbs of fur and spunk. She showed up late one night in December as a Christmas gift. I remember the phone call from Jeff like it was yesterday. “are you home ? Ok don’t go anywhere I’ll see you in a few minutes” as I hung up I thought ut oh what is he up to? When he showed up at my door with this ball of fur and a crate big enough to house a Great Dane my first thought was what am I going to do with a dog and my second thought was I love her and I need to name her.

Jessi was the first pet I had ever owned and I had no idea what an impact she would have on my life over the next 15 years. We did everything together and I took her everywhere with me. She taught me how to be compassionate for all animals and get involved and give a voice to those animals that could not speak for themselves. I volunteered my time at the human society and learned to love animals even more.

Living alone could be lonely at times but somehow she always brightened my day and filled a void that was in my heart. I never thought I could love an animal so much. It’s so true when people say pets are family because She was truly like my kid.

It was me and Jessi until I got married in 2007 then we made to move to our new home and she rolled right along adjusting to her new surroundings like a champ. The bed was a little more crowded but we adjusted. As the years went on we grew up together.
Then in 2009 Another bundle of Joy came along. At this point Jessi was getting older and so was I.. lol But she went along with the flow.. she didn’t LOVE the new bundle of joy but if they stayed in their on spaces it was all good. I could tell Jessi was starting to slow down and sleeping a lot more. I knew our time would be coming to an end. But I tried to remember my deal I made with God when I got her ” dear God if you let Jessi live as long as she is suppose too and not get injured or get any diseases I will be ok when the time comes”.

It’s never easy to say goodbye to our pet’s but they are not supposed to be here forever. God puts them in our lives for a short time to serve their purpose and to be loved. Making the decision is never easy but when made out of Love it is the right decision. I didn’t want her to suffer and I didn’t want to be selfish and put her through anymore pain that she had already experienced. God kept his end of the deal and Jessi lived a wonderful 15 years so I had to keep mine. It wasn’t easy and I still cry from time to time but it was the right thing to do. She will forever have a place in my heart.



Let it snow let it snow let it snow


Savannah has had some pretty amazing teachers over the last 3 years at Calvary and each year when I think they can’t get any better they do. This year has been a whirlwind of learning and fun projects. She has been star of the week, Shared different chores such as line leader, lunchbox helper, chair stacker and my favorite on vacation helper which basically means you can sit back and relax unless someone is out..

As I said this year has been pretty awesome there are 7 of her classmates from last year that are in her class and of course her bff Lexi is there. One of the newer boys in the class is Devin. Devin has stolen the hearts of several girls in our class namely Savannah. She tell’s me all the time Devin is her boyfriend and she is going to kiss him when she get’s big. I’m thinking to myself already?? boys already?? Luckily Devin’s mom ROCKS and is very understanding of my dear daughters love for her son. haha..

Each day the kids break off in groups and play together Savannah and Alexis don’t get to be together in group because they are bff’s and play too much together or so I was told by miss Savannah. Last week Savannah came home and told me (with a dreamy look in her eye’s) that Devin was in her group and they played (Tangled) which if you don’t know is the updated version of Rapunzel from Disney. So I asked her a few more questions about her group and she happily told me “I was Tangled, Devin was Flynn Ryder & Alexis was the Horse.” I died but I also felt Alexis was getting the short end of the stick and asked her if Alexis wanted to be the horse and she said “YES” she did she was my friend” and trust me she is her BEST friend. They have been in the same pre-school class since they were 2 and Savannah LOVES her to death.. Not many days go by when I am not asked “well is Alexis gonna be there or is Alexis gonna wear that”.. They say if a friendship last 7 years then it will last a lifetime.. I am going to do my best to make sure she knows this little girl a lifetime.

Today at preschool Savannah came out SUPER excited. The Miss Robyn & Miss Lynn had given them a potion to help them create snow and it went a little something like this..
1. Put Ice Cubes in the toilet
2. Put a spoon (that they made in class) under your pillow
4. Sleep with the penguin Miss Lynn sent home
5. Put your PJ’s on Backwards.

I’m half kinda hoping it will snow because she will be so disappointed if it doesn’t.

Let it Snow Let it Snow

Let it Snow Let it Snow

Oh and one more before I sign off Savannah has been learning about Indians at school this week.. When she sang this song and I replied aww.. they shot the buffalo and bears.. she said “it’s ok it was for their food”..

Charlotte Christian Knight Lifer Class of 2028


Today was parent teacher conference day with Charlotte Christian to see if Savannah would make the cut for Junior Kindergarten in the fall of 2014. I have to say I was a little nervous but for some reason I was relaxed. I have always felt that God has great plans for Savannah and that maybe why the calm overcame my nervousness.

Not only did she do well in her assessment she did EXCELLENT. They said that academically she would be ready for Kindergarten but tires quicker and there are a few things that with age she will catch onto.. with that in mind she will be headed to Junior Kindergarten.. So Savannah will be a member of the Charlotte Christian Knights Class of 2028!!

I think she is excited to start this new Journey too!!

Ready For Junior Kindergarten

Ready For Junior Kindergarten

Short Stories by Savannah


Just a little conversation between Savannah and I.. Obviously daddy has been telling a few extra stories at bedtime.

Savannah how was your day today?…

It was good we had computer and science class..

Oh that sounds like fun..

Yea and I told them the story about you and daddy..

What story?

when daddy saw you at the restaurant.

What story’s that? who did you tell?

Daddy said he came into the restaurant the first time he saw you and you walked up to him and he couldn’t breath cause you were so pretty. Then he kissed you at the wedding. I told Miss Robyn & Miss Lynn.

The end..


Parent teacher conference


I can’t believe it’s already 2014. It’s amazing how fast time flies. Now when you are in it…. Sometimes it goes a lot slower than you want but Looking back at all the special times I’m so thankful for the drag from time to time.

With the new school year come parent teacher conference. Now this is something new to me. Although I tried not to stress too much I have to say I was a little nervous shhh.. I mean after all she does have me as a mom and let’s just say school was not my forte. But luckily for her it was her daddy’s. When I first found out I was pregnant I was talking with my friend Meg Moore and she told me about this prayer she always prayed for her son “dear God please give him wisdom, health and faith in God” and her son has turned out pretty amazing. I knew too, as my pastor always says, “if you have a praying mom your toast”. I soooo pray she’s toast because from that moment on that was my prayer. Ultimately it’s in Gods hands but he puts us here to guide them. He gifted them to us for that purpose. And I’m so lucky that I have 3 gifts.

So Tuesday was parent teacher conference day for me. I signed up early because I’m anxious lol. Aside from talking a little too much (which she gets from me) and being a little to impatient (which she gets for her dad) she is doing AWESOME!! I couldn’t be more happy with her progress and evaluation!! I’m so proud of her I could bust.


Looks like my prayers are working!!!!



Well we are one month in and back on the schedule.. I’m not gonna lie it has definitely taken some adjusting and the sad part is I was the one that had a harder time than Savannah… I couldn’t keep my gymnastics times and swim times straight lol..  So Mercy showed up at gymnastics and hour late and we had to do a make up.. Way to go mama.. But that’s all behind me now.. I just updated to the new Google’s Calendar Plus 5 and I am ready to go!!  It’s my favorite app as of today.. Well that and the You Version app.  One keeps me on time and the other reminds me where I am going..

Savannah is doing awesome this year and I love her teachers Miss Robyn & Miss Lynn.  So far they seem to love her too. Miss Lynn always thinks “she say’s the funniest things” and “loves her dresses” and they both think she smells good (thanks Amazing Grace Lotion).  Oh and I was asked to be Room Mom along with Hannah (hudson’s mom).. She’s such a sweet mama I am so looking forward to this experience with her.

On another note.  I was recently asked by Make-A-Wish to be a wish society Honoree.  I was beyond humbled and thrilled to be a part of this inaugural event.  The Make-A-Wish of Western and Central North Carolina will be recognizing 30 local women in the area for the Philanthropic and Professional successes.  I certainly don’t have a lot of letter’s after my name as a matter of fact the only one I have is SAHM.. So not sure why I was lucky enough to be included in this group of amazing women but I sure am glad.

The whole goal behind this event is to raise money to grant a wish.  The average wish cost $6000 and my goal is to grant as many as I can.  If you have never experienced what it’s like to see someone’s wish granted take a look at this video Or read this mom’s story This will help you understand why I am working so hard to make this happen.  Why I bug all my friends and strangers to help me make this happen.  To see the look on the kid’s faces and to feel the impact it has on the family it is worth every email, letter and phone call.  Please take a minute to read more about what I am doing and if you feel so inclined to help me grant a wish you may do so on my page at  AND if you can get me a Corporate sponosor I’d love ya for ever lol..

I will leave with one last Savannah Funny of the day..

“Mama do you have nationwide on your side?”


Have a happy night.



“My daddy works so I can have an easy life”


As this 2nd week of school comes to an end we are finally getting into the swing of things..  We were on time today but mommy forgot the folder for class so I had to turn around and go back and get it.. UGH the folder is important because if you don’t have your folder you don’t get a stamp if you have a good day.  If you miss a stamp then that’s one more day you will NOT get to draw out of the “treasure box”..  Trust me it’s important..


So no yoga for me today.. Seems like when I mess up my routine I can’t get in the groove.. The rest of the day was spent working on my Make-A-Wish campaign… So far I have raised $8441.00 Trying to grant 2 wishes and almost there!!!  here is a link to my page if you would like to donate or wanna read about what I am doing!!  Please share!!!

Anyhoo picked Savannah up from school today and was getting ready to leave and Miss Lynn said ” I have to tell you what she said today”.. I was think oh lord this could be good or bad…  she said ” My daddy works so I can have an easy life”…  Jeff is forever telling her this when she ask him where he’s going in the morning and I guess it has finally sunk in..  We really have to watch what we say around her..

Today was our first day back to Gymnastics and Savannah did awesome!!!  I was so proud of her.. she was a good listener and she even climb the rope.. When she was at camp over the summer she would not touch that rope.. “No mommy that’s to high” and today she shocked me.. First time up she grab that rope and climbed up.. Hopefully it will be a fun year for her!




First Day of School 2013


Well after a WONDERFUL summer at the beach the time has come again to go back to school!!

Savannah is extremely excited and can’t wait to start her last year of preschool!!  Then it’s off to Junior Kindergarten.  I can’t believe how time has flown!

First Day of Preschool 2011

First Day of Preschool 2011

First Day preschool 2012

First Day preschool 2012

First Day of Preschool 2013

First Day of Preschool 2013








And my how she has grown!!  I’m so happy that she loves her school and has made great friends..

Her first day went off without a hitch!!  We are slowly getting back into the swing of things..  Here’s to looking forward to a great year!!